If you didn't know... now you know...

That world she is a turnin'...

Turn, Baby, Turn!

On 28 Jul 2005 15:42:18 -0000, David Moore :: Participatory Culture <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Today, Participatory Culture is announcing a 12-day countdown until the release of a preview beta version of DTV for Mac OS X.

On August 9th, our free and open-source internet TV player DTV will be available for download, for Mac OS X at first, with a PC version soon thereafter.

See why people like Cory Doctorow of BoingBoing.net are saying, "The revolution will indeed be televised, it seems..." on our new hype page ::


Read some of our recent press & blog coverage, and follow along with the countdown to the release of the Mac preview version on August 9th.

Later on, we will have a full launch of both the Mac and Windows beta versions of DTV – but for now, we're really excited about getting  the Mac version off the ground and can't wait to hear your feedback.

There's a world of amazing independent video out there and now there's an easy way to watch it. DTV is bringing internet TV to the fullscreen -- lean back and enjoy. Browse the built-in channel guide, subscribe to channels, videos download in the background, and DTV notifies you when they're ready to watch.

Internet TV should be open-source and based on open standards, just like blogging and podcasting. We're working to ensure that the new mass medium of internet TV is free, accessible to all, and built with independent voices.

So please help us spread the word by blogging about our new HYPE page, and check back in 12 days to try out DTV... it's going to be super glue.

Here we go... http://participatoryculture.org/hype/


Matt Brett

Tiffiniy Cheng

Luc Heinrich

Colin Mitchell

David Moore

Nick Nassar

Nicholas Reville

Geoff Schmidt

Holmes Wilson

p.s. We've extended the deadline of our design contest to August 16th. Our code is open-source and we want our graphic design to be as well. You could win $1000 for your work on the DTV user interface, $300 for your work on a DTV logo or icon, and $200 just for referring the designer whose work we use. For more information and how to submit your design ideas, please visit http://participatoryculture.org/contest/ .

For more information about the PCF internet TV platform, please contact David Moore at : [EMAIL PROTECTED] , phone: (603) 661-3968.


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