Greetings videobloggers,

For the last seven (almost eight now!) months, I've been developing a desktop media aggregator (aka videoblog downloader/player). I'm happy to announce that the first public beta of I/ON is out, and its available for MacOS X and Windows XP, as a free download here: You don't even have to give us your email address to get it!

I/ON is also the reason that the last entry to my own personal videoblog was over two months ago (argh!). In light of that, I have just posted a new video where I discuss I/ON with my collaborator, Jon Oakes. You can watch that here, if you'd like:

As I said before, I/ON is available for free, and its also licensed under the GNU Public License, which means its open-source. I really wouldn't have been able to accomplish this work without the benefit of open-source, so we figured why not give something back?

A quick set of I/ON features for you, while you're considering whether or not its worth your time to download:
  • Subscribe to RSS 2.0 Feeds with Enclosures (of course) and MediaRSS (Preview thumbnails, yay!)
  • Integrated playback of Quicktime, MPEG/MP3/MP4, Windows Media*, and Flash* (*windows only for now)
  • Fast local searching, filtering of retrieved items
  • Integrated searching and saving of clips from: Mefeedia, Yahoo Video, Blogdigger, and the Internet Archive (
  • Bit Torrent Support (Works with, any BlogTorrent/BroadcastMachine/DTV site, Prodigem, etc)
  • A friendly, fun, easy-to-use interface! (we hope)
  • Multiple ways to mark, forward, and share favorite videos with friends
If you've got a few minutes to spare, please try it out, as we would love to get your feedback, and maybe even gain a new loyal user. This is our first beta, so expect some bugs and missing features! Any feedback can be sent directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or you can just reply to this message. I'm also often on skype at 'nathanialfreitas'. We don't have a proper bug forum or report form at this point.

As an aside for developer geeks, the whole app is written in Java, developed in Eclipse, and utilizes the amazing Quicktime for Java API. On Windows, we also use JNI to access Windows Media Player and Flash controls. I/ON also includes the pluggable Java Media Framework, which allows us to (eventually) run on Linux while also supporting things like OGG VORBIS and FFMPEG plugins. Source will be released very soon either through or Sourceforge (as soon as I get my act together).We hope users and developers alike will benefit from the work we've done. There are so many ways that I/ON could be used, specifically other than just on a desktop, so we're excited to see what happens.

I look forward to hearing from all or any your questions, concerns, or feedback- I'm all ears (and eyes, too, of course).

Best regards,
     co-founder/developer/videoblogger for ONTV
+my life:
+my videoblog:
+my cause:
+my skype: nathanialfreitas 



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