Here's a 1.3 mb lightweight hot off the compressor



On Aug 5, 2005, at 11:53 AM, Stephanie Bryant wrote:

> My blog Hold My Beer and Watch This!  ( has
> quite a few that are fewer than 2 MB, in particular the early ones and
> more recent ones (Day 1's .mov format, Day 2, Day 3, Day 5, Day 9, Day
> 38, Day 42, Day 43, and Day 44-- under 1 MB are Day 9, Day 3, and Day
> 42, as well as the Day 1 .mov file).
> After Meet the Vloggers, I realized I was letting my vlog entries
> bloat too much, and I've slimmed things down a lot recently. I gave
> myself an upper guideline to keep anything embedded below 10 MB, with
> a goal of <3 MB for most entries; if I have a rare entry that's more
> than that, I'll post it as an enclosure, but not embed it into the
> entry (so if you view my vlog at the website, you won't be tearing out
> your hair while your browser hangs).
> On 8/4/05, R. Kristiansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 8/5/05, Philip Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I'd like to issue a challenge to everyone on this list. You all seem
>>> like nice people--I just wish I could actually watch some of your
>>> videos. But I'm stuck out here in the woods on a 56K modem and there
>>> are only so many megabytes in a day.
> One might argue that video-over-the-web just isn't for a dialup
> audience. I know that sounds... cruel? Elitist? Whatever-- it's the
> barrier-to-entry, and not one that vloggers have a whole lot of
> control over, like web browser preference.
> When my husband was working on the Kerbango internet radio, the
> question came up repeatedly-- what about dialup users? The radio
> didn't have a phone cord, no modem inside the device at all. What were
> they going to do for those who didn't have a high-speed internet
> connection? The answer was pretty obvious-- if you didn't have high
> speed internet (this was 3-4 years ago), you weren't going to be
> streaming audio onto anything. Streaming audio, like video today, took
> too much bandwidth to reasonably download on a dialup.
> Frustrating for you, perhaps, on dialup, but there you have it.
> There's a design consideration that the content-producers (the
> vloggers) aren't going to take too seriously, because the dialup
> audience is small and getting smaller, not larger. Join the 21st
> century. Get a high-speed Internet connection, directional wireless,
> cable/satellite, whatever it takes, if you want to actually watch
> vlogs. You'll never regret it.
> Or, upload your own vlogs from within a "viewing vacuum" in which you
> post-only and never really get to see what others are doing. I started
> out that way, not really watching any vlogs until the second week or
> so, because I wanted to develop my own thing first, and it can be kind
> of refreshing to not be influenced by others' voices. But it means
> you'll be in a creative vacuum as well, so unless you have a steady
> source of inspiration (like I do), you may find yourself floundering
> for things to say/do.
> --Stephanie
> -- 
> Stephanie Bryant
> Yahoo! Groups Links


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