Hi Everyone,

I am a new member of this group. I have created my own vlog. The url
for my blog is http://jasonvlog.blogspot.com/. You can copy and paste
this url into your web browser. If you decided that you want to
subscribe to my vlog you can find my feed by click on the link that
says "XML/RSSfeed" on my site. If anyone has any sugestions for my
vlog I would be happy to hear from you. I also submitted my vlog to
the itunes podcast directory. I have searched for my vlog and it has
not appeared on itunes. However if you have downloaded itunes 4.9 you
can click on the "Advance" menue. Then a drop-down menue will appear.
Click on "Subscribe to podcast". In the box that appears copy and
paste my podcast feed into the box that appears. If you have any
questions please make a comment on my vlog. Thanks


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