Thanks Pete.  We live in an age where there is no such thing as "being really ready for tomorrow".
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 2:19 PM
Subject: [videoblogging] Re: Advice needed on computer and camera purchase

--- In, Randolfe Wicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]...>
> I am having great difficulty deciding what level of computer I
should buy.  My current Gateway computer is seven years old and
doesn't have the capacity to either process film or burn a DVD.

> I intend to start with vlogging and then slowly master editing so I
can produce full-length documentaries. I know vlogging can be done
with minimal resolution video.  I just want to get a Mac that I won't
find useless a couple years down the pike.

I bought a mid-range Mac 4 years ago (G4 733mhz) and I'm still using
it today. I don't do video editing all day long though, I just use
iMovied for editing videoblog posts. I've upped it to 1.2g gigs of RAM
ove the years, and I just got an extra 120 gig hard drive and a DVD
drive to install. By next year I'll either try to replace it with
another mid-range machine (I tend not to buy the top of the line) or
I'll drop about $300 or so on an upgrade card to double the processor
speed. Macs are pretty upgradable. The Mac I had before this one
lasted 6 years, though that was stretching a bit.


videoblog for the future...


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