>> I think the volume of posts here are a problem.  My email is virtually overwhelmed.  It will only get worse.  I agree that enthusiasm for vlogging and posting here can be counterproductive.  I won't have nearly as much time after I get my new computer in a few days and have to work at vlogging rather than just talking about it.
I think this group is probably going to have to divide itself into diverse threads.  For instance, those interested in Node101 have started a separate group where discussions about Node101 can be more effectively focused. <<
I'm wondering about the value of starting a separate group for beginning vloggers.  While I have found much of interest and learned a lot from this group, the way it has mushroomed in just the short time I've been a member and the explosion of technical information has buried me in e-mails, most of which I can't follow at all because they are way beyond my technical expertise.  I'm wondering if there are enough other people in my boat that a "vloging 101" group might help move some of the traffic off to its own group and leave the more advanced to have discussions here.
Just a suggestion.


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