How come the people with the coolest vlogs are so stupid. No one ever said the media wasn't retarded. 

I am sure that we would be in a much better place if we had a different president. We wouldn't be at war, we would be friends with everyone and shoot, we might have been able to avoid the whole hurricane cause democrats/liberals have ESP. 

No matter what happens it is Bush's fault. 

I loose the battle of the super smart retards. 


"Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics....even if you win you are still retarded!"

On Sep 5, 2005, at 11:53 AM, Christopher Weagel wrote:

I second what Quirk says here.

This whole disaster has demonstrated once again how worthless the mainstream media is.
Things were so bad on the ground in NO that even FOX news reporters were calling bullshit on the scumfucks like bill oreilly and sean hannity back in the studio trying to put the bullshit Bushco spin on things.

We also saw brief clips of CNN reporters and others pointing out the utter fraud that is America. Notice this only came about
when they were out in the midst of hell watching "dead bodies getting eaten by rats," as that professional empty suit Anderson Cooper put it.
Only when it gets to the very verge of all-out apocalypse can the mainstream media begin to call it like it is.

Their behavior during this exposes their utter dereliction of responsibility over the last 5 years, and longer-- really the last 24 years since this nightmare of conservatism began destroying the united states.

Look for these tiny cracks in the electronic berlin wall that is the mainstream media to begin sealing immediately as the Military/industrial/corporate/conservo-complex's PROPAGANDA machine spins into full gear.

The censoring of Kayne West's brilliant comments when that show reaired on the west coast is typical of what to expect.
Watch that clip again. Madge Weinstein summed it up when she deemed it, "the most brilliant moment of TV in the last ten years."
In that clip you got to see reality, as spoken bravely by West, as contrasted with the mainstream media bullshit denial of reality as offered by the robotic mike myers.

That moment was unbelievable truth. So naturally that has to be smashed.

Little of this will matter, though, as the vast majority of the population has been so conditioned by lifetimes of 24/7 propaganda, that they will deny the very truth available to them if they just open their eyes.

Some will see, but most won't.
I hope I'm wrong. 

If people seek out alternative news sources, like online and podcasts and vlogs, then maybe something will change.
(Even that though is being used by zombie followers of this fucked up system. Most people are only going to seek out and watch that which reconfirms their already held beliefs.)

But right now, we're nowhere near that level of people watching. And those that are watching, are focusing on garbage that's little more than warmed over entertainment tonight.

To see some of the stuff I'm talking about, please visit:

They don't seem to have an RSS feed, but so what.

Also, please listen to madgeweinstein, who's work over the last few months in AUDIO puts to shame all of us goofing around in VLOG-o-Land:

Chris Weagel
On Sep 5, 2005, at 12:22 PM, Adam Quirk wrote:

 On 9/5/05, skullcrew webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 While your out saving the world give Kayne West some advice on how not to be so ignorant. I am sure but hates black people like the rest of us but he could have phrased it better.

 Speaking of phrasing things better...umm.

 Anyhow, the Kanye West speech was the most truthful thing I've seen on my television since I plugged my computer into it and watched videoblogs.

 It's understandable that you and other people are shocked and call him names like ignorant, etc.  
 We aren't accustomed to that level of honesty in the media.

_____ Quirk


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