Deirdre Straughan wrote:
The start of this thread was about "what can videobloggers do to help ourselves and others prevent this kind of disaster in future?" So now we're at "what can videoblogging do to improve the human condition?" I threw my hat into the ring - I think that voting is important and that if the poor (regardless of race) make their voices more heard by voting, it will help, though of course it won't solve everything. It is far easier for those in power to ignore the concerns of the poor when they know that most of the poor don't vote. I would hope that some compelling videos about politics, voting, etc. might help. (FWIW, I did what I could for voter reg last year with Democrats Abroad.)

Millions of the poor voted for Bush, and not because they were suckered, but because he accurately reflected their values (of patriotism, religion, and social traditionalism). In that sense Bush is not ignoring the interests of the poor at all. Rather than blindly increasing voting turnout I think one would wish to discourage turnout among sectors not likely to see things the same way.

Cameras cost money; the poor are least likely to own one. Vlogging is a disruptive tool inherently serving the interests of the rich.

So if you're not convinced that voting is the solution... what DO you suggest? Again, to stick to topic, we're looking for things that *videobloggers* can do, presumably via their videoblogs.

How can you use videoblogging as a channel of purely partisan propaganda? You don't sell the steak, you sell the sizzle. Voting is boring; you stand on a line to toggle a lever and walk away. But issues! Issues are interesting. If they aren't interesting, it's your job a vlogger to make them interesting.

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