This is a location release form which is also a copy of a form used by one (or all) major TV producers.


Location and Property Release


This Location and Property Release is entered into this ___ day of ________, ________,

Between________________________________ ("Grantor") and (your name here)  and (your business name here) ("Producer").


1.      Grantor grants Producer, by and through its employees or agents, the unconditional and unrestricted right to enter onto the property owned, leased, controlled, or possessed by Grantor at the following address: _____________________________________________________________________(the "Property") on the ____ day of _________(month), _______(year), and the dates to follow for the purpose of photographing, filming, taping, interviewing, and/or sound recording the Property, its contents, and persons located thereon the ("Footage"), in connection with the preparation, production and completion of photographing, filming, taping or sound recording of Producer's documentary production currently entitled “What Are You About?” (also including future projects Randolfe H. Wicker and Randy Wicker Films are working on /with or plan to sell/loan footage to) (the "Program"), but not as an endorsement for any product.

2.      The Producer, it's successors, affiliates, assigns and licensees shall own all rights of every kind in and to all video and sound recordings motion pictures and/or photographs made, recorded and/or developed in and about the premises, including the irrevocable right to use throughout the world, in perpetuity, and such recordings, motion pictures other photographs of the said premises and property, including the name, logo, or other identification of said premises or Property, and to exhibit, perform and exploit the same in all media by any method or means now known or hereafter devised or commercially exploited, including without limitation sponsored, sustaining, subscription, pay or other category of television, including video cassettes, video discs or other reproduction or exhibition devices of any kind and to use all of the foregoing in the advertising, promotion and publicizing of the documentary, without liability to Grantor.

3.      Grantor represents that it had and grants all rights described herein on behalf of itself and all other persons and entities involved, and Grantor understands and acknowledges that Producer is relying upon Grantor's consent given in this location release in the production of the Program.

4.      Producer agrees to hold Grantor harmless against any and all liability and loss which Grantor my incur by reason of the death or injury of any person or damage to or destruction of any property resulting directly from any act of negligence by Producer or by any agents of Producer entering the Property with Producer's authorization.

5.      Grantor acknowledges and agrees that Producer may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement in whole or in part.


Accepted for Grantor:                                                    Accepted by Producer:

By:______________                                                      By;___________

Its:______________                                                       Its:___________



Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
Videographer, Writer, Activist
Advisor: The Immortality Institute
Hoboken, NJ


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