FWIW, last week I converted many of my old videos to m4v for iTunes. I simply added them as second enclosures in the relevant existing RSS items. iTunes sees only the m4v files, everyone else sees one or the other or maybe both. Doesn't seem to cause any problems.

Be aware that it takes iTunes a long time to update its catalog; I finally got my picture back yesterday after I messed up something last week, and it finally caught up with most of the new posts as well. (This only affects the listing in the Music Store - if you refresh the "podcast" by hand in your list of subscriptions, it picks up the new material immediately.)

It's kinda cool being in there, and I had over 900 m4vs downloaded just yesterday. Good thing I upgraded my hosting this month...

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

www.beginningwithi.com (personal)
www.tvblob.com (work)

Individual Fireant Use


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