
   I can honestly say, I know what you are talking to...  But, it was in fact a ground swelling of podcasters and video bloggers that spray painted the writing on the wall.  It was so loud and so huge... The Major Media had to follow....  My point is Follow.  I don't think the Major News News Networks should now be the "Spotlight" for apple.  I do know this... Speaking as a News Vlogger... You probalbly (99.99% sure) won't see video podcasting by the major news networks. Why?  simple they have done everything they can to protect the video.  That's why video podcasting will win in this media race and this group of nerds or the 21 centuries (podjerks) .ie sodajerks those that know the craft, will kick ass.  If you don't think this is a race... guess again.  Everyone I mean everyone is in a fight for first position and most importantly "Content".

I could be wrong!  Am I?
--- In, "Steve Watkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I dont see the history quite as you describe.
> Podcasters and videobloggers did not help apple launch itunes. itunes
> was sucessful because there was a demand for legitimate online music
> purchasing, coupled with widespread ownership of ipods.
> The ipod isnt the only portable music player, but it certainly helped
> insire podcasters, whats why its called podcasting.
> Certainly later on, once podcasting was established as some sort of
> force, Apple used it to their advantage, and have done the same with
> video. As far as the video/audio creators are concerned, its a
> double-edged sword, apple have given us a potentially much larger
> audience, ime willt ell if the balance ends up wrong.
> For example are peoples viewing figures better with itunes, despite
> the possible bias towards promoting mainstream media, than if
> podcasters had never been supported by itunes at all?
> I dont like control being in the hands of the few, so this is not
> supposed to be a defense of Apple, but Im trying to be realistic. I
> dont see this as some battle where apple could be defeated, or any
> evidence that banding together would make us powerful in a way that
> would change this. Apple have their agenda, they will listen to
> creators and users sometimes, its good to be vocal about this stuff
> but I do not think podcasters and videobloggers have any sort of
> strong leverage over Apple, quite the reverse.
> The old players still have the advantage because they have the far
> reaching marketing that makes masses aware of things. On the net this
> phenomenon has not been so assured, see the past where big corps
> assumed they would simply make the best portal websites and people
> would stick with what they fed them. People like diversity and choice,
> pople will use other podcast & videoblog directories to find stuff,
> not just itunes. But itunes is a way in, even if Apple had no podcasts
> or videoblogs created by invividuals in their directory at all, we
> could still thank them for spreading awareness that podcasts and
> videoblogs exist.
> Steve of Elbows
> --- In, "Scott Prentice" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >
> > As a Avid Reader and (Piss Pour Poster) in this group I'v started
> noticing something quite odd starting to happen in iTunes. As a news
> media BlackHill.TV is only a video and audio feed for our parent
> portal BlackHillsToday . Much like the MSN, Foxes and so on, except
> much smaller. With that said, this is my point and what I've started
> to notice. It was ground floor, underground media and the efforts
> possibly of many on this group that literally helped iTunes launch and
> create the motion and motivation for Podcasting and Vlogging
> including the much anticipated Video iPod. Then pretty much out of
> the Blue... Major networks whom didn't want to report this media
> phenomenon other than spuratic blips... started to develop their own
> podcast, which are now the only listings on News Podcasts On Front
> Page of Podcasts!!! Gee, Thanks Steve. I'm sure you will notice a
> host of us leaving iTunes unless the focus is brought back aroound to
> the little guy who made this possible for you and the world. Sure we
> are in the directory... But the spot light is on the Major Networks...
> I also noticed that many of the Video Podcasts actually didn't even
> have VIDEO? that they had featured last week. So my recommendation is
> please don't subscribe to these major networks and help create the
> needed activity they need to gain this attention. And if Mr. Apple
> (Stevie Employment) doesn't change the lime light in Podcasting we
> should migrate to lets say....... YAHOO! Everypage I've seen has a
> iTunes Chicklet... That can be replaced Steve!<---- Am I wrong? For
> our media to grow and become credible we have to ban together a the
> powerful force that we've become. I know my local news, newspaper, tv
> stations are probably starting to wonder what the "(*%&@^" just
> happened. I don't think our local newspapers are going to carry
> around video cameras either? So,,, Keep on - Keeping On! By the way
> I was able to convert windows media to MPEG 4 pretty easy with the
> information I found at. ipod ripper or it might have been the info
> from here...
> >
> > I've been to almost everyone vlog and sure welcome your Imput and
> comments on mine. BlackHills.TV ps after watching what's going on in
> Apple this IBM user is almost ready for a conversion...
> >

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