I got a chance to meet with Cavett -- he seemed very nice and open in person, just media-weary.  I take it that he would have been glad to speak with you, if not for you 'silly camera'.

On 11/18/05, Share <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Wow! Fan-bloody-tastic!
Can't wait to see your vlog about it and congrats on experiencing such
an unusual event.
Sorry to hear about Mr. Cavett. I remember him, too and he was an
amazingly aware and articulate host.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Randolfe Wicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> That was the title of an event held this evening at Steven Kasher
Gallery, 521 W. 23rd St, NYC.  It was sponsored by a 501C group called
"The Creative Coalition".  Membership costs $250 a year. However, a
great art exhibit consisting of body images in video can be seen for
free for a few more days.  I suggest you attend.
> I contacted them a few hours before the event, said I was a vlogger
(someone who did video and posted it on the Internet) and asked to be
put on the "list".
> I held my breath as I checked in downstairs.  My name was on the
list and I found myself mixing with the media elite.  Catherine Crier,
anchor of Court TV, was the moderator.  The panel consisted of
actor/comedian/writer Richard Belzer (Law & Order:SVU), Time Blake
Nelson (Actor, Syiuana, Meet the Fockers, Minority Report, o Brother,
Where Are Thou?), Dick Cavett (legendary Emmy Award winning talk show
host) and Bill Devlin (a born-again Christian with enough sense to
stay in the Democratic Party whom I had once debated on the issue of
human reproductive cloning at Haverford College in Pennsylvania).
> Thanks to my good Christian friend, Bill Devlin, I was made aware of
the event and managed to get "in"--even though there was a notice that
"press credentials" would be checked. I took a Time Magazine with my
picture in it along to flash if I was challenged. It proved not to be
> I also urged three other vloggers( Jay Dedman, Jonny Goldstein and
Adam Quirk) to join me in a vloggers-take-on-the-establishment
exercise.  Adam was working.  Jay and Jonny never got back to me.  I
went alone.
> I'm always amazed at how thin the "partition" is between the plebian
world of everyday-vlogger-life and the glittering world of famous
celebrities and people with real power.
> So, there I was in the elite world of "blue activism" (???).  There
was an open bar (always to be avoided) and orderves enough to make you
feel totally elite.
> On the walls were ads, fabulous and sexy ads, which you'd have to
spend half a lifetime thumbing through magazines to find.  I never
knew so many sexy and hot ads existed.  I got to film them all for my
vlog (or vlogs) about this event.
> I handed out my pink slips promoting "Join the Media Revolution"
with links to Freevlog and this site.  Of course, I plugged my own
site and email address at the end.
> Waiting in line at the bathroom, I gave my pink fliers to two of the
organizers of the event.  Events on the wall of the gallery looked
very "liberal" and "leftist" to me.  No problem there.
> I joined the audience and stood up against a wall near the front
filming the entire event.  It was quite fascinating.  I filmed famous
people telling stories about famous people...including Dick Cavet
talking about how Yoko Ono and John Lennon who sang a song entitled (I
believe) "Women are the niggers of the world"--and how that caused
censorship which he avoided with a lead-in that got more complaints
than the song did....etc, etc.
> Well, after it was all over, I got to "smooze" with the celebs.  I
gave Catherine Crier a pink flier and told her that "vlogging was the
new revolution" which was bound to raise interesting new legal issues
in the near future.  At least it got into her purse.
> Then I turned my camera on Click Cavett, one of my 'old heroes' of
television.  I couldn't resist the urge to say:  "Mr. Cavett, I vlog
and put my videos on the Internet.  Could I ask you a 'politically
incorrect' question?"
> Cavett looked open so I popped the question.
> "How old are you?" I asked.
> "How old do you think I am?" Cavett replied.
> "You're older than me (I'm 67).  You have to be at least 75. (I was
being kind.  He's in his 80s I suspect)."
> "Oh, 'you and your silly little camera' (italics mine)" Cavett
replied and moved on without answering my question.
> So, tonight one of my 'idols' died.  The man who was always upfront
and free and who took political correctness to task was 'too
traditionally' uptight to tell me his real age.  That was really sad,
for me.
> Bill Devlin, my Christian friend, who had enabled me to attend, made
fun of me for being an Immortalist when he realized I was the fellow
who had been filming him all evening.
> It was a great event and I'll be doing a vlog about it.  You'll have
to wait a couple days.
> Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
> Videographer, Writer, Activist
> Advisor: The Immortality Institute
> Hoboken, NJ
> http://www.randywickerreporting.blogspot.com/
> 201-656-3280



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