Good point.  I got in motion just a couple hours before the program.  I didn't even think of looking up Cavett's age on the Internet.  I'm always amazed that some obvious uses for the Internet just don't pop into our minds.
Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
Videographer, Writer, Activist
Advisor: The Immortality Institute
Hoboken, NJ
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:28 PM
Subject: RE: [videoblogging] "How Old is Dick Cavett?"


My next questions for Dick Cavett would have been: "What are you doing now?" and "Have you encountered age discrimination in our youth oriented media?"


Both of those would have been fascinating to have answered.


Not sure about the age discrimination, but you can find a fair amount about him online. again being a good place to start. Dan Rather’s screw up aside, everyone (gross generalization) in the “new media” should take a lesson from the “old media” and do some background research on whatever it is they are covering as a citizen journalist. Being an amateur doesn’t mean going in uninformed.


Jake Ludington



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