Jay: As a "newbie" with Videoblogging, and as an experienced photographer and videographer, I find the concept understandable but need a glossary to understand all the e-mails. Philosophically there seems to be two schools of thought; that which targets a Vlog being essentially a personal brief telecast - and those that feel it shouldn't be that structured . I presume good taste and easy "Viewability" are the guide posts I should try and work within.
    One other thing. I initially sought a host for "Blogging" and selected 1and1.com which doe not host domains needing streaming video. How does "Hosting a Vlog and a Blog work" considering I've registered STARKBLOG.COM AND STARKVLOG.COM  domains with 1and1.com.
    Is there ever a time when I might use a phone to communicate rather than e-mail?
Please let me know when you have a moment.
Walter Stark


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