The only things vlogger have in common is the medium (videos on blogs). Everything else is determined by the individual (content and target audience). We can be slaves to the commercial world, slaves to the audience or slaves to our own desire. And if we're super talented, we can slave for all.

On 12/19/05, Ron Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
They are selling us, and we are selling ourselves. 
The content from the corporate media is an ancillary part of the business. Maybe before there were 6 media giants acting as a cartel, there was some focus on content, developing something new and interesting but since then, there has been less and less focus put on content.

In vlogging, the content is developed not to sell shit, but to entertain, inform, and share.

I am sure that there are some people that are commoditizing themselves, but the field is open; an ideology has not been chosen. We are not slaves to our customers, hell we are not even slaves to our viewers. We get to develop whatever kind of content we would like.                                 

Individual Fireant Typepad


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