over the weekend my friend's 7 year old brother, justin, grabbed the mini dv and began walking around the house; instead of dismissing him like we usually do, we viewed the videos he had saved on the camera and we got this:
untrained, he gave his own commentary and he did so simply b/c he was inspired by the videos section ( http://collegewit.com/index.php?cat=15 )  of the College Wit site that he always hears his sister and i talking about
we realized in a moment that as soon as Justin learns to upload videos on the internet, private moments like this with mel and i sitting around in pajamas, giving ourselves beauty treatments while typing on our comps will easily become exposed! (from now on all zit therapy sessions will take place behind closed and locked doors!)
i just thought i would share with all of you how easy it is for little kids to pick up on vlogging, i.e., talk about your own vids and give them a mini dv for their birthdays!


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