Personally, I don't see why Four Eyed Monsters wouldn't be considered a vlog. While the central theme may be the film, the focus is clearly on the filmmakers themselves, That is the primary difference between FEM and other film-based vidcasts such as Kite Circuit, or what's going on for Clerks 2 and Superman Returns and so forth. While those all focus on the technical aspects, and giving a behind the scenes look at the creation of a film, FEM focuses on the relationship between two filmmakers and their journey getting their film out there.

I also think it's unfair to pass what they're doing off as nothing but promotion for their film either. I have no ambition to watch the trailer for King Kong, because I've already seen the film itself. I've seen FEM the film twice, and I still follow their vlog religiously. The original poster was absolutely right in saying that if anything, the film and the vlog compliment each other, and create something greater than the sum of its parts.

That's the true appeal of the film and vlog in the first place, so I really don't think it matters what you label it. The film takes the best aspects of documentaries, fiction, dramatization, music, and a subjective point of view to create something we haven't seen before. Watching the film, there is no way to pigeonhole it into a specific genre, because it encompasses a little of everything. It's a narrative, based on real people, involving a script and filmed scenes, and shown through the eyes of the filmmakers.

One thing I do know, is that if it weren't for their vlog, I wouldn't even know about vlogs in the first place. It's through following theirs that I came upon the vlogs of the people in the group. I didn't go from watching FEM to looking for shows and serials or whatever, I looked for other vlogs. For people to sit here and say that FEM shouldn't be considered a blog is foolish, and is only going to hurt by pushing away people like myself, instead of  gaining from what FEM is


Richard BF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Old timers on this list are gonna love me bringing this up again.
Newbies are probably going to love me even more for disturbing the
mainstream media lovefest which seems to have taken over this email
list in the past few months.

I received some offlist emails about my Four Eyed Monsters post,
which I really think should be reposted here, as they had much more
information about the project, and offerred an alternate view to my
naive opinions. If you emailed me, please CC it here, it will be
interesting for others to read.

But the question it poses is yet again, what is this list for?

The simple answer is to help out new videobloggers. Which again begs
the question <ducking> what is videoblogging? </ducking>

In recent months, reading this list you would be fooled into thinking
that videblogging means video on the Internet. We have countless
"videoblog directories" which simply aggregate RSS enclosures, we
have "videoblog aggregators" which simply play video over the
Internet, we have "videoblog hosting providers" which simply host
video on the Internet, we have "videoblog shows" which are simply
amateur TV series hosted on the Internet... the list goes on.
Videoblog is a buzzword that most people seem to use to describe
anything with video and the Internet.

Others, like me, think it is more about the personal and all that it
entails. So the gap between these opinions is still, after 18 months,

The point of the recent Four Eyed Monsters discussion seems to have
been "how to use the Internet to promote your more traditional film",
which I'd argue has jack to do with this list.

On the vlogtheory list, arguably whose main job is to define
videoblogging, we've basically given up discussing the definition,
because nobody will change their mind about what they think a
videoblog is. It's like walking into a party where everyone has their
arms crossed and nobody is talking.

Michael's Vlog Anarchy video was a great bird flip to definition, but
this list is now a perfect example of why videoblogging needs to be
defined, otherwise perhaps the list should be renamed from to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What do you think?

I'm especially interested in the new members' opinions, as they
probably haven't had a lot of the citizen media, fuck big media
rhetoric we used to go on about  here a year ago, but now tend to no
longer bother about.


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