Greetings Videobloggers,

Andy Armstrong from has started a discussion group for hardcore podcast technology.

Agenda includes the technicalities of getting audio and video content from the person who produced it all the way to the people who listen to it.  The primary focus of this list is to address the new challenges that face application developers (client and server) and people who have to set up and maintain the web that distributes this content.

Although people have been distributing large media files on the web for some time the explosion in podcasting/vlogging is driving the budget for content distribution down - in order to succeed, podcasting needs inexpensive, high bandwidth hosting solutions.  At the same time we're building client software that takes the HTTP protocol (which was originally designed for interactive browsing) and twists it in new ways to handle the unattended transfer of relatively large files.

If you are interested, sign up here:

It's a place where we can talk about servers, clients, protocols, XML, RSS in a robust way without polluting this list.



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