Title: Re: [videoblogging] Re: can someone PLEASE tell me the right format to use?
So once you use Comressor to export the iPod 320x240, the you re-save it to .mov? Because the iPod settings don't allow options....


On 3/14/06 3:28 PM, "Paul Knight" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

the best way I have found that makes the picture really clear is in fcp, it's called ipod(320x240), it looks great and is low in megabites.  The only trouble then is you need to save it as a .mov file using quicktime pro for everyone to be able to watch it.  

Paul Knight

On 14 Mar 2006, at 22:09, Dog-matic wrote:

aren't there any more sophisticated people out there who know Final Cut and what all the technical options are in saving video files that aren't just from someone's camcorder?

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