Typically, security wants laptops pulled out to ride through the x-ray machine by themselves. All the other electronic equipment says in their bags.

I went through one time (post 9-11) with a set of mid-size speakers, a digital still camera, a dv video camera, and an external harddrive all piled in a stack in one bag. They just looked at it for a bit, and then moved on. I've never heard of the x-rays hurting any of the electronics involved, and never had any problems myself.

Last summer, I wanted to them to hand check 15 hours of mini-dv tape I'd shot and not have it go through x-ray (I mean 3 weeks and 6,000 miles of travel for those 15 tapes -- didn't want to be too careful...) but they wouldn't hear of it (in Central Europe), so the tapes went through. No problems. I'd actually forgotten about it until now.

So -- send it all through the machine.... I much prefer to carry-on all my equipment rather than check under the plane since luggage-lost / item-theft / getting-dropped-too-hard all worry me more than the x-ray machine. When I've got too much equipment to check it all, I take it in super-strong locked cases that could be dropped off the back of a truck and still cradle the equipment safely. Have you ever watched the way they luggage gets handled? Besides, these days much of the checked baggage is x-rayed too.

Have a great trip!!


On Apr 3, 2006, at 11:29 PM, Lisa wrote:

Hi gang,

I'm going to be flying to Ohio this Thursday and wanted some input
from my fellow travellers about camcorder safety issues.

Anyone know the airport rules about camcorders on the airplane? Do we
check them, do we carry them on, and most importantly, what is the
protocol when it comes to the x-ray machine? Do I let it go on the
belt or do I hand it to a guard and explain that it's video
equipment?  Concerned for my baby... don't want it damaged by nasty
wasty radioactive rays

Thanks in advance for the input!!


Lis (Daughtershow)



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