> 1. How  long has your vlog been up?
I had a blog which was a supplement to my daily journal (which I've been keeping since 2000).  I turned the blog into a vlog in September of 2005.

> 2. How  many vlog entries do you have posted?
More than 200.  I don't know the exact number, but I post one a day (hence Videoblogging Week 2006 was a piece o' cake for me)

> 3. How  much traffic do you get?
LOL.  Traffic?  What's that?  (I have  whopping 12 subscribers)

> 4.  What's the URL of your vlog? http://funnytheblog.blogspot.com/

> 5. How  many feeds and directories did you submit you site to? This is where I'm a real neophyte.  I don't honestly know. 
> 6. How  else do you promote your vlog?  I'm not the sort of vlog that most people here are looking for, so I've given up "promoting."  I watch other people's vlogs, make comments when I like them.  I link from my daily journal and that's about it.  I've given up trying to be one of the cool kids.

> 7.  Bookmark rate? Haven't a clue

> 8.  Search Engine Saturation: ditto

> 9.  Link Popularity: ditto.  Somewhere in the basement.

> 10.  Google Page Rank: ??

> 10.  Why do you vlog? Because I enjoy it.  I like making videos, I like editing videos.  I like making a record of things that are important to me.  Lately, I love making videos of the puppies we host for the SPCA because they're so darn cute.  I do it for myself and if there is anybody who watches, that's just frosting on the cake.

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