You wouldnt need the link portion at all I guess ... certainly the cloud services themselves woulodnt need it.

I just figured it would be easier for a post to spell out what coulds its a part of than for every reader out there to revamp/recode and try to maintain/built-out links to all the possible clouds out there that exist now or will exist in coming hours. :-P

I guess my thinking was cloud services and directories would only need the tag name, but the extension could allow for the post to state the clouds it (knowningly) is a part of ... so that when displaying that that post it would be easy for very simple scripts to publish those links with the post rather than try to decide if they will post no links or try to come up with all possible clouds etc...

On 4/18/06, Joshua Kinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why would you need multiple tag URIs with the same tagname but for different tag services. In theory, you would only need one tagname and any consuming service should pick it up.

FYI, relTag support is something on our roadmap as well and should be implemented in the FireAnt directory in the not too distant future... eventually, I would expect many sites and services that consume RSS and also have tagging to support relTag.


On 4/18/06, David Meade < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
perhaps but doesnt HREF actuall mean "hypertext reference" ... this wouldnt be a html doc, and would have to point to one (maybe it points to anohter xml doc)

URL seems to be a pretty strandard attribute in RSS ... I could see using IRI ...

eh, we'll burn that bridge if the extension is ever actuall designed. :-P

On 4/18/06, Charles Iliya Krempeaux < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/18/06, David Meade < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yeah they arent really the same thing.  All the ways they are different hit you when you try to code around them.  I've treated them mostly the same on my site, but have found myself very limited at times because of it.  I've often wished I'd written my system differently so that it made clear what was a category and what was a tag ... but back when I was learning the difference I relied on Technorati to show me the way ... which may not have been the best idea. :-P

I like Devlon's description:  Posts belong to categories.  Tags belong to posts.

Not to get too far off topic here but the more I think about a tag extension to rss the more I love the idea.  It could even have optional links to various clouds.  Something like:

  <tag name="videobloggingweek2006">
    <link url="" href="" target="_blank" >">MeFeedia</link>
    <link url="" href="" target="_blank" >">Technorati</link>
    <link url="" href="" target="_blank" >">FireAnt</link>
    ... etc etc ...

I know I'm nitpicking (yet again), but... if you want to go down that path... I'd suggest calling that attribute "href" instead of "url".  Here's some reasons for that:
  1. We keep on changing the name we call these things.  First they were URL's.  Then they were URI's.  And now they're IRI's.  (There might even be a new name now.)  So picking a name like that will, at best, make it seem dated, and at worst, confuse people.
  2. "href" has much much more common usage.
  3. "href" is used by HTML (so this will seem familiar to people who know HTML).
  4. "href" is used by Atom (so this will seem familiar to people who know Atom).

See ya

I imagine a script could be written pretty easily for use in most/any/all blog systems to parse out rel=tag and add the rss info.

Anyway ... great update to mefeedia! :-)

- Dave

On 4/18/06, Devlon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/18/06, Charles Iliya Krempeaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Hello Peter,

On 4/18/06, Peter Van Dijck < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, why is it philosophically the wrong approach to use
> the RSS category element?

Because a category is not the same as a tag.. Tags are used
descriptively, categories are often things like "Announcements",
things that aren't really tags. I am quite wary about using tags in
the wrong way... But there is no right answer, of course.


Hmmm... I've always considered them to be exactly the same thing.  They're just labels you are labelling things with.

I think the scope is different.  Tags are granular, portions of a post can be tagged...categories are like  'containers'.  Posts belong to a category....tags belong to a post.

That's just my read on it though.

I didn't think it mattered whether you call them "tags" or "categories" or "keywords".  They all really seem the same.  (It's up to you in what kind of "meaning" you put behind them.)

The only difference I've seen with this type of stuff is whether the "creator" or the "users" tagged this stuff.  (But, what we're talking about here is "creator" tagged stuff.)

See ya

    Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc .

    charles @
    supercanadian @

    developer weblog:
 Make Television                       


    Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

    charles @
    supercanadian @

    developer weblog:
 Make Television                      

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