> However, I would be extremely surprised if it were true. It would take
> a really stupid, impulsive VC to make an investment decision based on
> the content present on the site over a brief period of time. They
> would also have to have been completely out of touch with the world of
> online video not to have noticed the fuss over Veoh in this group and
> elsewhere.

To amplify Markus, there are plenty of knucklehead VCs out there. Anybody remember pets.com.  I think you can still pick up the sock puppets on Ebay.

> There are laws against libel, even on the Internet.

In this day and age, with the likes of George W Bush, it's nice to see that there are a few people left who actually think the US legal system is going to protect us from corporate-backed companies like Veoh.  A bad business model, or bad press, might kill Veoh.  I personally don't think it will be because our wonderful legal system is fighting the good fight.  Call me jaded.  Check out EFF .

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