On Apr 24, 2006, at 8:16 PM, Anne Walk wrote:

> i'd like to ask you, jen, if you had seen the video online and did not
> see the student afterwards, as expected...if he had carried out the
> experiment more fully and left you and the school in the dark about it
> (perhaps even had relatives phone in with the bad news), would you
> still think it an interesting experiment or would it become something
> else?

Kevin posted the video last monday (a week ago). I saw that he'd
posted, but hadn't watched it yet. Then today I taught class at 10am.
And around 3:30 I got an email from Michael Sullivan offering his
sympathies and asking what had happened. That's when I first saw the
video. It's only because I had Kevin's face burned into my mind from
class earlier that I didn't worry. In fact, I wasn't sure if Michael's
email was for real or not -- but then I realized, yes, he really did
mean "i'm sorry for your loss".

If instead this video had been posted yesterday and Michael had emailed
me last night, I would have been quite freaked out. Worried. I would
have emailed Kevin and tried to find out what had happened. And felt
like email was a sorry-ass way to try and see if someone is alive. I
may have called the school or tried to get a phone number. And I would
have gone into class this morning hoping the video was a fictional
drama and not real -- but I may not have known, and arrived seriously
wondering if I was about to see him, or have to announce to the class
that something horrible had happened. I'm glad I didn't experience the
video that way.

I'm sure I would have been very upset if I had thought it was real.
Much more than if it were a stranger because I really like Kevin and
his quirky ideas. And it's always upsetting when something awful
happens to our students at Temple. They are going through a lot -- and
I've already experienced a fellow grad student getting shot, another
grad student was assaulted on campus after our class one night (not too
badly, but still), an undergrad in my class got pregnant (with very
conservative parents / family / culture) and had to drop out of school,
several students have had relatives or close friends killed, _many_ are
heavily addicted to drugs (illegal and prescription), others have been
recently robbed or live near people who have been robbed... we live on
the edge, that's for sure.



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