On 5/6/06, Deirdre Straughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/3/06, David Meade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

NB: I agree with the principle of net neutrality, I just don't see it as a panacea to the world's problems, and it can be hard to get people to listen to your arguments if you fill them with hysterical, overblown points.

You mean overblown points like the 'fact' that because many Americans don't have passports they're ignorant?  Or that because some camera crew managed to film a few idiots they are representative of The American People?

It really irks me when people who distrust the Mainstream media's ability to report the facts suddenly latch on to scenes like Jay Leno's 'jay walking' as a benchmark for what Americans do and don't know about the world.

For the record I've traveled all over the world ... but America isn't like Europe where another country is an hours drive.  It's a huge land mass with distinctly different cultures within it's own borders ... you shouldn't be so quick to count the fact that not alot of them manage to afford the time or expense to travel over seas as some black mark against them.

All that being said ... this idea that Net Neutrality is an American problem is pretty dismissive of the issue.  If the net breaks down here into a handful of ISPs seeing who can charge the most to the others clients it will damage the whole of the Internet.  And it will cause issues on networks overseas.

feed:  http://www.DavidMeade.com/feed

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