On Tue, 09 May 2006 23:14:40 +0200, David Meade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Whats bothering me is is this needlessly harsh tone aimed at someone who 
> was
> only pointing out that although this group has grown to over 2k people, 
> its
> the 'old standards' that are in the top 50 users.  That may not be a
> problem, it's simply raised the quesiton" "is the current format of the
> group contributing to the fact that there arent more new names in active
> posters list".

a) It's not "old standards" who form the majority of the top 50 over the 
past month. [*]
b) It only takes 6 e-mails to get on the famous top 50 list of internet 
fame. Whoopie.
c) Even if it was, who cares? Exactly what would moving to a different 
format change? If people want to be heard they should post. There's no 
need to ask for permission, just post. Or should there be created rules 
along the lines of "If you've been on the list for more than 18 months you 
may only post twice per week"?

[*] A quick skim tells me that only 6 of the people on the top 50 list for 
last month have been members of the group for 18 months (nov. 2004). (Jay, 
Me, Steve Garfield, Deirdré, Josh Kinberg, Andrew Baron). That's not a lot 
if you ask me. If you sort the member list by date joined you'll see all 
sorts of really awesome people who are no longer posting (like Sean 
Gillian and Lisa Harper).

Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
<URL: http://www.solitude.dk/ >
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