Perhaps we should encourage more white males to video blog. They seem to take to it more readily, so our evangelism will be more productive if we focus on the demographic that will respond to outreach.

oh charles. i find your comments so irritating. :P

well, i posted about this fiasco on loadedpun and was called out by charles so i suppose i'll respond and watch the fur fly.

here's my take on it.

women online are inundated with plenty of innuendo (blatant or not so blatant, depending on appearance) and insult (again, depending on appearance) i have studied internet psychology and relations for many years. most women i know utilize chat because they are able to present themselves as the ideal through the use of nicknames, flirtatious language and stolen pics. voice is also very popular. video is only popular (and then, extremely so) for women who are labeled "hot".

when a woman is on a webcam, watchers feel it is their right (possibly even duty) to evaluate the woman's appearance and give a critical review. if she is hot, she is obviously a slut. if she refuses to "perform" for her "audience" (because, why else would she be on a cam if it wasn't to facillitate someone's jerk off session?), she is called a bitch. if she has been deemed not hot, she is generally called a dog, a fat pig, cow or other barnyard animal.

enter video.

videoblogging is all about self representation. we call self representation empowering in much the same way that raunch culture calls a teen girls' "choice" to wear belly shirts and hot pants empowering. but i digress.

videoblogging is the new media (and by that, i mean the old media in a smaller window). women who are closer to the ideal of "girl", "chick", "babe",etc, happily cash in on their looks. women further from the ideal, face the difficulty of being unable to create a self representation that mirrors the ideal. what to do?

some women vlog anyway, in obscurity for the most part. most won't vlog at all, avoiding the discomfort of a mirror that doesn't return the expected results (an expectation of what it means to be female, according to cosmo, Hollywood, porn, etc) some women get angry and get told that they have a "filthy mouth", should quit "bitching" and "should get a sense of humour". it's nice that there are choices. very empowering.

ryanne and jay are right. this topic if far too nuanced to get into in any depth on a list. one of the problems is, when you are addressing a very specific topic, you only get a specific answer. my opinions on this matter, for example are quite broad but, in this context, laser precision for brevity (yup. this is the short version!) doesn't afford ambiguity and degrees of opinion.

NOTE: as an aside, it is not "natural" to consider women more attractive than men. it is the result of a patriarchal system. in matriarchal systems, men are considered the objects of desire. they wear colourful outfits, makeup, do up their hair, etc, in an effort of win the favour of the females. that women also find women more attractive than men is a well studied phenomenon called adoption of the male gaze - something we are trained on as youngsters with our colouring books and our barbies and snow white.

On 5/11/06, Charles HOPE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Josh Wolf wrote:
Instead, I think we have much more to gain by looking at why so many  
vloggers are white-male and what we can do to encourage and support
people outside of this demographic to get involved.

Perhaps we should encourage more white males to video blog. They seem to take to it more readily, so our evangelism will be more productive if we focus on the demographic that will respond to outreach.

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    Anne Walk

    Fireant Individual Use


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