Great question Sull.

TV is to me = mass passivity, popularist culture, culture as a 
popularity contest, pluralism, marginalization, hegemony, subversion, 
monoculture, cultural imperialism, top down, fundamental lack of 
capacity for the rich diversity of human experience... and therefore 
commoditizing of culture.... nationalism, propaganda, orwelian, the 
suppression of grassroots culture, the suppression of the individual 
spirit, suppression of creativity, the power is in the hands of the 
few, world wars, corporations, vertical markets, monopolies, 
duopolies, economics of scale, manufactured pop / manufactured 
culture, yellow journalism, bias is a false god, objectivity is a 
lie, hierarchy, bureaucracy, vote with your dollars, vote every four 
years, polls, mass markets, consumerism, pay as you go culture, 

Inversely the mediatized web = participation, diversity, folk, the 
rebirth of community, bottom up, distributed culture, the reawakening 
of localism, people, person to person, humanity, consensus, 
collective intelligence, personal empowerment, vote through action, 
the firm synthesis of conversation and action, innovation, 
creativity, and to much more to list. I could really spend a book on 

The mediatized web does have it's negatives though also...
terrorism, guerilla warfare, spin, mob mentality, digital divide

Note these are my free associations and should understood in 
comparison to the other above terms i associate with TV. For example 
if TV = nationalism and world wars, then the mediatized web = 
guerilla warfare and terrorism. Like I said these are free 
associations, they're not about right or wrong, they're about the 
medium is the message. Exploring broader relationships.

It is along these lines we can also analyze radio, the advent of the 
printing press... and there are many similarities.

The reason why media is reflected broadly throughout world culture is 
because the systems that bind us are the systems that define us. To 
the degree which TV and now the internet is having on world culture 
is to the degree it directs culture. TV and now the internet are not 
just looking glasses, they actually change us, much like Einstein's 
theory of relativity. In fact the web will change us even more so 
than TV because there's a huge widespread call to participation and 
activation... where as TV was a pacifier of the masses.

Of course I have an architectural bent. Everything is either 
systematic or a process to me unless it's true art, true folk, and 
comes truly from the heart of the individual. Otherwise it is a 
commentary on the system, or a part of an ongoing cultural dialogue 
through the systems that bind us. Fundamentally anything that is not 
part of science, math or a true reflection of the inward journey is 
hence shaped by the systems in which that dialogue happens. Wether it 
be the cafe culture of Prague, or our beloved vlogosphere most art 
and culture is tied to and at least in part reflective of the systems 
which connect the participants.

This yahoo group has come to define us as have our vlogs. We're 
global, diverse, personable, human, chaotic, creative, and productive 
among many other things. Wether vlogging and this yahoo group made us 
this way or wether it simply allowed us to regain a more human/humane 
form is debatable, but it's true that to the degree which we 
participate the very structure and properties of the media define us. 

-Mike of

On May 12, 2006, at 5:29 PM, Casey McKinnon wrote:

> Entertainment, idealism, dreams, horror.
> Here's my list of best shows on TV now:
> - Battlestar Galactica: Although sci-fi, it makes me cry every show
> with it's realism.
> - House: Clever wit and sarcasm... and I still can't believe that's
> actually Hugh Laurie!
> - Gilmore Girls: I completely identify with Rory Gilmore... yet
> another young talkative opinionated brunette.  I just wish I also had
> her stylist!
> I only really enjoy stuff that brings out extreme emotions in me... I
> watch these things to laugh, cry with pain and cry with happiness.
> This is what television is to me and this is what I hope is carried on
> in all entertainment, including videoblogging.
> Casey
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