I see this as a positive for vlogging anyone else?

Google Adds Video Capability to AdSense
Move Greatly Increases Online Inventory

By Abbey Klaassen
Published: May 23, 2006
NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Google has made no secret about its ambitions
to become a bigger force in the branded rich-media space and today it
launched online video advertising on its AdSense network of publishers.

Paramount Classics has already tested Google's new video ad program
for its film, 'An Inconvenient Truth'.

The program has been in beta testing for the past six weeks, said
Gokul Rajaram, product management director for AdSense, with such
advertisers as Paramount Classics for the film "An Inconvenient
Truth," Fox Home Entertainment for DVDs of "The Simple Life" and
General Motors Corp. for its Pontiac G6. The ads can be served on any
Google publisher that currently displays graphical ads from Google.
The video ads are static and boast a play button that activates the video.

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