I got freaked out last night because Rudy got an AdSense account and
used our Galacticast e-mail address... I don't want crappy banner ads
on my site and I don't want a few cents for putting video on my
videoblog.  I think Google AdSense is all about the propaganda... "put
our ads on your site and you'll make money!".  Unfortunately the money
is peanuts... so how am I to believe there is truly a profit to Google
Video Ads?


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "bordercollieaustralianshepherd"
> I see this as a positive for vlogging anyone else?
> Google Adds Video Capability to AdSense
> Move Greatly Increases Online Inventory
> By Abbey Klaassen
> http://adage.com/article?article_id=109419
> Published: May 23, 2006
> NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Google has made no secret about its ambitions
> to become a bigger force in the branded rich-media space and today it
> launched online video advertising on its AdSense network of publishers.
> Paramount Classics has already tested Google's new video ad program
> for its film, 'An Inconvenient Truth'.
> The program has been in beta testing for the past six weeks, said
> Gokul Rajaram, product management director for AdSense, with such
> advertisers as Paramount Classics for the film "An Inconvenient
> Truth," Fox Home Entertainment for DVDs of "The Simple Life" and
> General Motors Corp. for its Pontiac G6. The ads can be served on any
> Google publisher that currently displays graphical ads from Google.
> The video ads are static and boast a play button that activates the
> >snip

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