On Thu, 25 May 2006 07:26:23 +0200, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> i want you to check a new project we've created:
> http://havemoneywillvlog.com/
> Ryanne, Markus, Verdi and I started this site to help videobloggers
> fund cool projects that otherwise would not happen.

I like the project. Great initiative.

> Check out the site. http://havemoneywillvlog.com/
> Give us feedback/bug reports.
> Donate (though i know many people are tapped due to vloggercon)
> Send us a project idea you want funded.
> but most importantly....blog about it. It cant just be videobloggers
> funding all this stuff.

Note for people living outside USA, UK, Canada or Australia: You cannot 
pay by credit card on fundable. The only option is to use Paypal (I 
finally got a *working* paypal account set up!).

Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
<URL: http://www.solitude.dk/ >
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