Hey all -

In my pursuit of edumakating my senior engineering students at Cooper  
Union (http://www.cooper.edu) , I am developing a "Web 2.0" class -  
focusing on the topics that are beginning to pervade the  
consciousness of the marketplace today.

As an enthusiastic endorser of podcasting and videoblogging, I am  
working in these concepts by discussing the concepts of syndication  
(using XML) and user-generated content/mashups to better explain  
"social media".  Instead of focusing on just technical topics (like  
video codecs, which we should discuss), I want the students to get an  
understanding of the palette of technologies and forms of expression  
that they can use to solve the problems that they will face.

If you were one of those engineering students (CS and Engineers all)  
- to give them a sense of what are the topics at hand, what would you  
expect to learn/hear?  Not just the technical details, but what about  
design principles and user concerns?

It is the intent of the course to give the students an experience of  
building a product/service that is user-centric rather than  
engineering-centric (love of technology instead of solving the  
problem).  Videoblogging might not sound like a problem that needs to  
be "solved", but maybe there is a way to expand their experiences...

Thank you in advance for your feedback.


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