Previously written:

"Similarly, what kind of numbers would independent video podcasts do
if they made a
 YouTube channel?  That could best be answered by people/groups that
have their videos
 both on YouTube and some non-YouTube site like blip, revver or brightcove."

Tend to put my videos up wherever, including a few on YouTube, where I
get bupkiss probably because I don't socialize or market there. The
temptation was to dive in and promote on YouTube but as usual, pride
kept me from diving into the already-crowded pool.

Prefer the wide open spaces where pioneers go - the vlogosphere.

Prefer freedom & choice.

Blip gives me both on all fronts, including intellectual property,
format, ease of use, and where I choose to call 'home'.

I'd like to see the vlogosphere spend an intensive month invading
YouTube and its environs & denizens, making comment and video points
concerning the freedom of the vlogosphere and what that means. Can we
make February or March "YouTube Month" in the vlogosphere? Let's mash
'em up and link 'em and praise 'em like crazy. Evangelize YouTube.
Concerted effort.

Happy New Year!

The Faux Press - better than real

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