you almost need a 'taste' attribute with an opt-in override (user based in
addition to site) in the rss feed that the user/creator can fillin when they
post their work &/or as a sitewide option (so if u added another optin u
wouldn't need to go back an update all the existing postings)
licence= +non_commercial +non_dating_site +opt-in="fireant" +opt-in="itunes"

add a parental rating option for those wanting to use that also

then the dating sites (eg heavy) have their dating_site=1 flag set in their
aggregator software/system and if they do pull in feeds from other sources,
they would skip over the entries with non_dating_site set. each aggregator
has their name set eg fireant, itunes to do the opt-in matching

get the rss feed/aggregators to do some of the filtering for you & give the
user some more control. just need some spec/code changes but over time it
might improve things.
(soft drm?)

then you'd just need another option (default?) for others who don't want to
set these attributes to keep those people happy also

something like this is probably already available? I haven't read the rss
spec so just pondering atm. if it is, perhaps the issue is more that it's
not easy for the user to specify when they post/at site level to a finer
level of detail



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