Oh, I'm posting too much, but before I go to bed...

There's a lot of anti-Americanism in Britain since George was  
elected, and since the war - and since before that, too, but less  
poisonously.  Obviously it can get even worse in France and some  
other European countries, let alone the rest of the world.  Your  
foreign policy hasn't helped - it seems State Dept decisions have  
always been made by fourteen year olds.

Your constitution, though, remains a beautiful thing, despite the  
constant attacks on it from all sides by those in power.  And I love  
America.  I love all the good stuff, and there's a LOT of it.  I go  
as often as I can, and if we Brits were allowed to apply for the  
green card lottery, I'd be applying as often as possible.  (To stay a  
few years, though, there's too many other places to go as well)  Half  
of you are crazy, thoughtless, greedy, parochial and irrational, but  
only half.  Europeans and others should never forget how close the  
2000 election was - and that for every American in the spotlight  
doing Bad Things, there's another American doing Good.  If you speak  
to a lot of people in Britain and I dare say in continental Europe  
these days, you wouldn't believe it.  I always make it my personal  
mission to Correct them, Grady/Overlook style.

I believe in America



On 1 Feb 2007, at 20:59, Jay dedman wrote:

 > Fuck you America.
 > Fuck the political status quo that keeps a guy in prison like  
this. Fuck the Presidential
 > candidate that hugged Joshs mother, and that will make shit about  
it. Fuck´m all. It is just
 > to twisted, and the state of denial you´re in is infuriating. So  
go vote, and think nothing of
 > what is going on around you.

Come on....tell us how you really feel.
i dont want to get into a political discussion on this list....but for
the americans on this group like me...I here you. America, which is a
big place full of lots of different people, is going through quite an
identity crisis right now.


Here I am....

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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