Please, please, please, just read the e-mail, that's all you need to  
do, please try to be completely un american about this and at least  
give me some help on this, I don't ask for much, just that you read  
the f'ing e-mail.  All I want is support not money, I rally should be  
typing this is capital letters, really.

JUST DIGG ME FOR f's SAKE, make this popular, not for me, BUT FOR THE  
CHARITY, that's how thing usually WORK right?

And send me any jokes that you feel would make people belly laugh,  
there is an incentive for you all.

But hey, I suppose all that motivates this group is money, or toys 
(gadgets) or a discussion about being banned from youtube, big deal,  
I just expected something more from the 1000's of people here, who  
are selfish enough not to share their success with anyone less worthy.

The best way to proceed with this argument is to stop saying hey, I  
never saw the e-mail and taking steps, personally if you want to, to  
get these posts to greater media, posting diggs and technoriaties or  
comments on vlogs etc.  This is one of the reasons i got into  
vlogging in the first place and to be ignored by the "great and the  
Good" ha, is just not good enough.

I have seen it before in this clique, a community, ha!
So log as you can't hold a get together in NY, you are forgotten and  
This group IS made up of more people from outside the US than you think!
Stop being so f'ing selfish.

Paul Knight

(BTW anyone from outside the UK can't contribute to this Charity, but  
I just need digging so that people know what I am doing to raise  
cash, simple enough for you to understand, or shall I elucidate some  
On 17 Feb 2007, at 20:54, Gena wrote:Gena

> Hey Paul, This is the first that I'm seeing the post. I didn't even
> know that you were sick. Besides, you know how many posts flow through
> the group. You also know that sometimes posts are delayed from
> appearing through no fault of the postee.
> If you posted this Friday UK that is in the early morning California
> PST (i.e. 2-3am) I'm not reading, I'm sleeping! Literally!
> Also I have to say that if I see something titled Charity Event that
> generally means it is something to attend and since I am on
> transportation lock down I might have ignored it even if I had seen it
> which I didn't cuz I was sleep.
> Titles man, descriptive titles go a long way to drawing attention.
> Let me read what you have proposed and we'll see if we can pass it
> down the line and get some reactions.
> P.S. If it ever comes up in Parliament I would like to propose that
> the UK switch to Pacific Standard Time. I realize it would be a major
> disruption but sacrifices have to be made to promote international
> unity. Or effective group communications.
> Yeah, the finger is waving. In a Moe Howard kind of way but lovingly
> none the less.
> Gena
> --- In, Paul Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Lovely Lovely Vloggers out there,
> >
> > As some British people know or are aware of, Comic Relief is only a
> > month away, I have been to sainsburys and got my red nose and
> > holographic chocolate and this time, because I was a few months late
> > at starting this rollercoaster of a ride into internet video, I want
> > to do my bit for this wonderful charity. I have started doing a joke
> > a day on my website, and have
> > managed to get a comic relief donate button so anyone, well just  
> this
> > country actually can donate to to this worthy cause directly.
> >
> > The cause is basically simple, instead of Rock Stars doing live aid,
> > you get the best comics from all over the world to do their bit for
> > free to raise funds for African Kids who have been effected by war
> > and famine to kids in this country who are carers for disabled
> > relitives the mentally ill, the kids who are effected by drink and
> > drugs, loads of things like that. I think it is possibly the best
> > Charity event of the year, it culminates in a big show on BBC TV on
> > March 16th this year.
> >
> > Anyway what I am doing is posting a joke a day for the next 30 days
> > until Red Nose Day 2007, I have posted my first today and need a
> > little help with a few things.
> >
> > 1. I want to make this quite popular, in doing so I need to know how
> > to get the message out there, digg might be good, but I have only
> > once been dugg, so if someone could digg me who people listen to  
> that
> > would help.
> >
> > 2. If you would like to send me a joke to use I will credit you,  
> also
> > if you want to tell a joke on video, even better.
> >
> > 3. If you like the idea of giving but you live in the rest of the
> > world besides the UK, you can of course use my paypal donate button,
> > which takes money from anywhere, I will from there pass it on.
> >
> > Many Thanks for any help you can give me.
> >
> > I am getting slowly better.
> >
> > Paul knight
> >
> >
> > That was posted on Friday and nothing so far, I am not asking for
> > money from anywhere out of the UK just need some help, or am I wrong
> > again????
> >
> > PJK
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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