I think what's needed is a new CC license that says "you can freely make  
copies, as long as you show me in a positive light". We could get Napoleon  
the pig to help us write it up.

- Andreas

Den 18.02.2007 kl. 20:56 skrev Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>>  Also your question returns me to my point.  If I CARE what the person
>>  that I linked to thinks, I'm going to let them know that I linked to
>>  them.  If I DON'T CARE, I won't.  What difference does it make to me?
>>   They posted something, and I reported on it or posted what I thought
>>  about it.  Who cares?  I don't think that's Ourmedia's goal, exactly
>>  the opposite.  I think they posted AiB because they DO care and wanted
>>  more people to be aware of the work they do.  Whether they choose to
>>  take the time to consider how someone they re-vlog feels about it is
>>  up to them.  Like I said, this is a unique situation, where people are
>>  reporting on an actual war that's currently going on.  Most videos are
>>  about fluff or comedy or nonsense or things that completely aren't
>>  controversial or important at all, so this gives us the opportunity to
>>  discuss something that we normally wouldn't have, and perhaps come to
>>  the conclusion that one of the chances you take by posting videos on
>>  the internet is that even the people that appreciate what you do and
>>  try to help you out may end up misrepresenting you.
> yep...you are right on here.
> No one needs to tell me that I'm being revlogged.
> BUT if they want to build a real relationship with me...it's nice to
> be contacted.
> This reminds me of my days with local news when we'd roll into
> someone's house, grab a soundbite, and then spin the story anyway the
> producer wanted.
> Blogging is a reaction to this method.
> I guess what bothered me about Brian's original email was his leaps in  
> logic.
> He went from (paraphrase), I don't like how I'm represented here...to
> (quote): "It also makes us question the openness supposedly present in
> the Videobloggers community".
> As Bill points out, these conversations allow us to help shape best
> practices where there were none. That's what I love about this
> particular email list...we've always been able to contribute to the
> conversation because so many of us are active...and its a VERY SMALL
> world.
> Let's always give people time to respond so we can weed out the "sorry
> my mistake" from the "fuck you".
> As far as Ourmedia, Steve brings up some good points.
> ***begin disclaimer***
> I was one of the original volunteers who hepled get Ourmedia started.
> We were solving a very specific problem.
> Back in 2004...the only way you could post a video online was on your
> own server or paying Typepad.
> Ourmedia was solving a problem of giving an easy front end to
> Archive.org. It was exciting.
> Blog post:  
> http://vloggercon.blogspot.com/2005/02/vloggercon-05-conference-sessions.html
> Video:  
> http://www.archive.org/details-db.php?mediatype=movies&identifier=VloggerCon05SessionsNetworkofthefuturenetworkoffuturevloggercon05mov
> ***end disclaimer***
> Since 2004, there are now 250+ free video hosting sites.
> Blip really started became the default uploader on this list since OM
> (all volunteer) couldnt never innovate fast enough.
> So what role should Ourmedia play?
> Maybe highlight stuff that's "good"?
> Maybe help people find each other for collaboration?
> I think Ourmedia needs to be better at organizing and helping push the
> CRAFT of media creation.
> I know that Markus has taken on the job of re-energizing the
> functionality of the site.
> I think its all open.
> I agree that the "250,000 members" is needless hyperbole.
> I bet that many people have signed up and never come back...but its
> still pretty active.
> See all the media that still gets uploaded daily:
> http://www.ourmedia.org/videos  (20 videos uploaded in 30 minutes)
> http://www.ourmedia.org/audios  (20 audio files in 2 hours)
> http://www.ourmedia.org/images
> http://www.ourmedia.org/texts
> Jay

Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
<URL: http://www.solitude.dk/ >

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