...In all fairness, though, I have to admit that Jay did let me know, a
couple of days ago, about some videoblogging event in my neighborhood.  So I
don't feel uninvited to all the videoblogging group events; just bothered by
the sense that this group is far more selve-serving than I'd prefer.
Whatever.  Heading back to YouTube, where the true democracy of video


On 3/24/07, Harold Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Great post, Steve -- thanks for your feedback.
> Yeah, it kind of seemed to me that a couple of the attendees of that
> videoconference/chat were a bit nonplussed as to why you didn't post
> video...To me, it's a bit of elitism on their part, which I've noticed on
> this list quite a bit.  Seems that some members of this group, individually,
> "don't take kindly to strangers"...
> ...which is itself all the stranger (pun intended, and the correct phrase
> would actually be "more strange") since you've been a member of this list
> for some time and aren't exactly a "stranger" anymore...
> There are alot of nice/seemingly nice folks on this list, with good
> intentions.  But I also sense a bit of clique-ishness, which has solidified
> more and more over the past year.  Time to start up a new list, perhaps,
> something fresh and more open to all...
> Harold
> still the Podcaster;
> lost the domain
> On 3/12/07, Steve Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   Thanks for the tipoff, I watched about half an hour of it, hope I got
> > all the relevent bits.
> >
> > Great aim, I might be remembering wrong but I think part of the
> > original idea of vlogweek was to encourage others to vlog. Quite how
> > to achieve this is another question, I dont really know how many
> > lurkers are on this list that are potential vloggers who havent
> > managed it yet. As someone mentioned in the chat, youtube (and
> > similar) certainly lowered the ba to being able to put video online.
> > And Im not sure I can imagine too many vloggers going on youtube and
> > promoting this idea of videoblog week. I dunno, its something id like
> > to see, but Im really still unsure of the nature of any seperation
> > that does exist between the 2 groups. Would vlogweek seem silly to
> > some youtubers? Are there people who make videos but dont like the
> > term blog or think of themselves as bloggers? Scratches head and
> > wonders if youtubers will spontaneously do something similar
> > themselves, totally independently, at some unknown time. Or maybe not,
> > maybe every day is vlogday in youtube land.
> >
> > Anyway I never really helped with any education/awareness projects
> > myself, Im unaware of how active the nodes are these days. Off the top
> > of my head, if you want to make vlogweek alla bout getting new people
> > to start, some people have to go and promote the week in advance, in
> > places where people arent so aware of this thing, to focus all efforts
> > here or even youtube is preaching to the converted a bit. I suppose Id
> > also love to know some thoughts from any people who used to vlog and
> > have now stopped for whatever reason, and wheterh vlogweek can help
> > focus them to return, or just learn what put them off.
> >
> > I was mentioned in the chat as somone who doesnt vlog, and I agree
> > that I was not a good example of the people you are probably trying to
> > reach. Frankly it pains me that anybody really cares whether I am
> > vlogging, I did make 3 or 4 videos years ago, maybe it was even for a
> > vlog-week, I cant remember. One was me saying hello, one was fireant
> > being shown on a TV monitor (via tv out from graphics card on a pc)
> > and one was of NASAs world-wind which is an app like google earth. If
> > I can get myself sorted to make the sorts of vlogs I want to, then I
> > shall vlog during vlogweek.
> >
> > Funnily enough that stuff Enric was playing with in the chat, animated
> > avatar stuff, is something I thought might help me or anybody else
> > that suffers from shyness or self-image issues or something, to vlog.
> > I have pondered for some years as to whether such things built into
> > mobile phones, could be a saviour of the failed 'video phonecall',
> > maybe people dont want to be seen like that but wouldnt mind hiding
> > behind an avatar if it as ggood enough, and was based on live camera
> > input for facial gestures etc. Its taking a long time for any system
> > good enough to emerge on the desktop let alone the PC.
> >
> > Collaboration also came up and Im fascinated by the subject but I'll
> > start a new thread on that.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Steve Elbows
> > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com <videoblogging%40yahoogroups.com>,
> > "Harold Johnson"
> >
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hey clowns,
> > >
> > > We had a rather excellent videoconference the other day, especially
> > (in my
> > > opinion) when we begun talking about how we might be able to help
> > others to
> > > begin videoblogging during the upcoming Videoblogging Week 2007:
> > >
> > > http://somethingthathappened.com/2007/03/today-i-attended-another.html
> >
> > >
> > > Follow the link for more links; jump into the Replay of the
> > videoconference
> > > and jump to 18:51 in the recording to see the topic we discussed.
> > > Essentially, I was thinking that we could come up with a way to assist
> > > others during our upcoming event.
> > >
> > > Harold
> > > http://videoharold.com
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >
> >  
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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