Based on the fact that twitter is so totally hot right now with vloggers I
should probably be twittering this, but anyway...

It sounds like the blogosphere is putting together their own "league of
decent bloggers".

tiny url:

(So much for arstechnica's insane url length.)

Anyway, the whole article makes me laugh... our own "league of decent
vloggers" shows remarkable foresight in pre-parodying the issue before the
blogging space even grappled with it.  Perhaps we could organize some good
collective fun by dusting off the old league of decent vloggers banners and
video intro's and outro's and put on a little participatory show for the
fine folks in the blogosphere.  Perhaps a collective tag meme
"LeagueOfDecentVloggers" or simple "decency".

I can see a nice Steve and Carol show where an especially prim and proper
Steve and Carol with their fuzzy bunny slippers review the finer points of
the old movie standards for self censorship.  Glacticast too might be able
to create some particularly resonate videos on the subject. :)

All in all I think the vlogosphere needs more protestants... perhaps the
some of the brits can help. :)

We did effectively demonstrate the power of the vlogosphere by making it
onto technoratti's top tags page pretty much every day of videoblogging
week... I'm not saying this is the subject... but perhaps we should keep the
collective conversation going. I do so miss the electric verdi, such a great
digital fire starter...  alas I hear he spends his days in the far of land
of Second Life, and his evenings in San Fran... it's to bad, we could use
more digital firestarters like him in vloglandia.  :)

Of course... the blogosphere, and I'm sure the vlogosphere too will both I'm
sure grapple with the issue of "decency" again and again everytime we
collectively get that urge for that simple orwellian era when the wife had
dinner on the table when the man got home from work at 5:15. :)

Me...  I just love the fun. :)

It's much better than worrying about the bastardization of net neutrality or
the tyranny of the looming my-goo-tube-yahoo-a-zon.



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