Check this out, interesting article;_ylt=AqF8l.m

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Adobe Systems Inc. unveiled on Sunday video-
player software that lets consumers play back video online or 
offline, a move that could help reshape an acrimonious debate over 

Adobe Video Player builds on the leading design software maker's 
Flash player, already the dominant technology used to stream video 
online by sites ranging from YouTube to MySpace to MSN to Yahoo Video.

The video player is due to become available to consumers over the 
next several months, Adobe officials said.

Analysts hailed the new Adobe Video player as a technology 
breakthrough by allowing consumers to download and carry video from 
the Web to computers to mobile phones, while ensuring programmers can 
deliver advertising and track video usage.

Rival video players such as Windows Media Player from Microsoft 
Corp., QuickTime from Apple Inc. and RealPlayer from RealNetworks 
Inc. run on a range of devices but have none of the offline tracking 

"Adobe has created the first way for media companies to release video 
content, secure in the knowledge that advertising goes with it," 
Forrester Research analyst James McQuivey said.

"Control is something that media companies absolutely get high on," 
he said.

Fearful of piracy, media companies have been slow to release much of 
their TV, film and video programming onto the Web.

Last month, media conglomerate Viacom Inc. filed a $1 billion lawsuit 
against Google Inc. and its YouTube video-sharing site for failing to 
thwart the piracy of MTV, South Park and other popular Viacom 
television shows.

At root, the debate over digital piracy has been a case of digital 
tools outstripping the power of copyright owners to decide who 
watches what while also ensuring they can get paid.

The Adobe Video Player could ease such tensions by giving consumers a 
convenient way to watch, and even, in certain instances, to edit, 
video content, while assuring media owners they can retain ultimate 
control over where the video ends up.

"Consumers think: I bought my media, I own it, I should get to carry 
it with me from device to device. Adobe's video player works the way 
consumers think about media by giving them the freedom to carry it 
with them," McQuivey said.

Adobe officials said they have relied on a set of familiar, openly 
accessible technologies to create Adobe Video Player and will 
distribute the software, for free, using the same viral strategy that 
made Adobe's Flash and Acrobat into the most popular ways to view 
video or read documents, respectively.

It relies on open standards for syndicating content, synchronizing 
multimedia and advertising tracking. Consumers disturbed that media 
owners can track their consumption habits have the option of blocking 
such tracking.

And because Adobe is already a primary supplier of the prior 
generation of video watching and editing tools, the company may avoid 
the classic "chicken and egg problem" that delays adoption of most 
new Web technologies: Will consumers use the video player before 
media owners embrace it?

Adobe Media Player offers higher-quality Flash video, full-screen 
playback and the ability to be disconnected from the Web -- on 
airplanes, for example. Viewers also can search for shows or share 
their ratings of shows with other viewers and automatically download 
new episodes of shows.

Mark Randall, chief strategist for dynamic media, said Adobe is 
working with a wide range of media companies, and plans to announce 
partnership deals next month.

The Adobe Video Player offers a way for established media companies 
to securely offer ad-supported video but also independent video 
producers, podcasters and home movie makers. 

Adobe, of San Jose, California, timed the announcement for the start 
of the National Association of Broadcasters show, a major industry 
event, now underway in Las Vegas.

Will this help or hurt?


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