You've at least been involved with the group and you regualerly have 
some very interesting and thought provoking discussions.  I don't 
care if you vlog or not, I don't care if Pat vlogs or not, I've seen 
you work within the community and work with others. I am not sure I 
see this from Pat, I've looked at the page, I've looked at the edits 
and I see some people here who are very involved and one could argue 
helped create and define what vlogging is, these people have given up 
because of one person.  ONE PERSON, think about that.  It would be 
like if no one posted here anymore because of one seems 
odd to me.

It seems to me, that this person is being looked upon as 
some "expert" and again that seems odd...

It's a fine line discussing rather than doing, .....I'm a parent, I 
tend to not listen to people who are not parents, cause unless you 
have raised a kid or kids you really don't know what it's like. 


--- In, "Steve Watkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Heh Ive been on the end of such arguments before, my opinions
> apparently deemed less worthy of consideration because, shock 
> I didnt vlog regularily. And when I did vlog for vlogweek there was 
> way I was gonna talk about it here much, lest I be told that it was
> just a bad attempt to join some magic club of 'do-ers', no longer
> relegated to the lower caste status of non-do'er theoretical 
> Ahh most of the responses to this wikipedia issue here make me sick.
> Cheap insults and heated emotions, egos trampled by being edited. 
> little recognition that wikipedia isnt just some wiki, but an
> encyclopedia.
> Throw around definitions of wikinazi all you like, what about
> vlognazi's, people who judge others based on their vlog or lack 
> What am I going to be told next, that I cant comment on internet 
> srvices unless Ive set one up myself?
> Long Live wikipedia! Death to elites! Down with any strategy that 
> to diminish the opinions of others based on who they are and what 
> do, rather than the merit of what they are saying.
> Cheers (not)
> Steve Elbows
> --- In, "Enric" <enric@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen"
> > <solitude@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Den 02.05.2007 kl. 16:38 skrev Heath <heathparks@>:
> > > 
> > > > Is there anyone besides me, that thinks this whole 
conversation is
> > > > just "whacked"?  I mean basicly we are trying to appease a
> person who
> > > > no longer even VLOGS!!!!!  Does this seem weird to anyone?  I
> > > > understand trying to work with someone, trying to teach, but 
> > > > just seems crazy......maybe it's just me....
> > > 
> > > Videoblogging is not a prerequisite for talking, caring and 
> > > knowledge about videoblogging.
> > > 
> > 
> > Mathematics is not a prerequisite for formulating, understanding 
> > knowledge about physics?
> > 
> >   -- Enric
> > 
> > > -- 
> > > Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
> > > <URL: >
> > >
> >

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