Well after my ranting the other day, they've proved me wrong with my
naysaying, the new version has finally materialized.

3ivx was popular back when most people didnt want to touch h264, as it
offered better quality (& speed maybe, cant remember) than quicktimes
own mp4 encoder.

So if ou still use mp4 rather than h264, the new 3ivx might be worth a
look. At the very least the annoying bugs that crept in once Tiger &
QT7 were released, should be zapped. I never used it on Windows so Im
not sure what its like on that platform.

Heres a long and extremely technical list of whats new/fixed/changed:


I see reference to fixes for the bitrate & dual-pass bugs, which were
the 2 main things that irkled mac users if I remember correctly.


Steve Elbows

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