video volunteers in india do this sort of thing - the community (usually
women!) make video magazines and take them to the villages and show them on
outdoor screens (usually) - so the videos can be seen by around 10000 people
per month. topics are generally community issues & things people want to
share with others. they are on the net too but more people in the villages
see them at a screening as internet access is less accessible.

indymedia often have screenings also - usually activist based films/videos,
some have been downloaded off the net or distributed to other collectives
via dvd/downloads. same for festivals - arts/music/film festivals - small &

also the pecha kucha nights and dorkbot nights sometimes show videos
(sometimes synced to music too). they're cool get togethers and happen in
many cities/countries & are for people to show off/share their

you can always hire a projector for the night if the expense is too much to
purchase outright.

also, at zine festivals/stalls and markets you can often pick up/purchase
dvds/vcds of people's movies. another option for people's videos if they
want to move past the internet. (it removes the vloginess though)



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