What interesting thoughts, and it has got me thinking way outside my
first intention, which I suppose was simply to find someone pretty
prolific/'known' to show her a good example...

First of all isn't it interesting that I felt the need to show her
someone 'famous' as if that validated them, or would excite her more,
or I suppose carried some sort of authority 'less known' bloggers
have... I suppose that is indeed part of our cultural thinking.

But it's true, vblogging raises some interesting issues around fame.
In the past 'fame' was often the only thing that allowed people to
have their voice listened to and credited on a large scale. Of course
in some ways everyone can now be 'famous' in that context and very
quickly get a  following on the net undependent on media or PR spin or
institutions... but by the same logic I suppose 'fame' as the concept
we are used to therefore does not really exist on the net in the same
way, as it is much more consumer and content driven... in vblogs are
the conversations , movements and communities more important/famous
than the individuals?

But then you've got someone like Perez Hilton who is using blogs to
talk all about fame, and ironically then becomes famous himself...

Don't quite know what I'm concluding here - nothing I suppose - but
it's really making me think so please chip in and keep talking!

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