Thanks for explaining, Steve.

As I understand it, the only reason Josh can't change the iPod file  
to .mp4 instead of .mov is that  is that he's got something  
(Feedburner possibly?) creating 2 feeds automatically - one regular  
size/ipod compatible, one HD.  The only way his feed generator can  
recognise which file to put in each feed is by looking at the file  
extension.  And he has to use .mp4 for the HD files, so he needs a  
different extension (preferably a nicely recognisable Quicktime .mov  
rather than .mp4) for the regular/ipod files.

I think that's what he's saying, anyway.

And even though it's not really a .mov, Quicktime and iPods will play  
an m4v that's been renamed as a .mov - so in practical terms, it  
should work fine for him if he wants to fake a .mov extension.


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