Mixed blessings?

"United Talent Agency digital head Brent Weinstein is leaving the shop that 
represents movie 
stars such as Vince Vaughn and Johnny Depp to become the CEO of 60Frames 
a new company dedicated to handling the financing, ad sales and syndication of 
"professionally produced online content." The company, in other words, will 
help established 
movie and film talent create content specifically for the web."


"The union question
Also unclear is how Hollywood's labor unions will react. Efforts by the Screen 
Actors Guild 
and Hollywood's agents to salvage a six-decade-old master franchise agreement 
fell short in 
2002, meaning that agencies could potentially invest in production companies -- 
a verboten practice for agents. (United Talent Agency, for its part, declined 
to disclose its 
exact stake in the new venture, and was careful to call 60Frames a "financing 
entity" and not 
a production company.)"

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