Wonderful features, stunning visual design :)

Woo, the videopres features look like a vital set of features that,
combined with vpip and all the other elements, certainly mean this
ShowInaBox is evolving into far more than than a mildly pumped-up

It is more than a tad glorious to see such an open project within this
community. I missed those early days when there were more projects
here on this list that were being thrown together and shared,
something rather lost when things like FireAnt went more closed and
commercial. Now I dont need to slump sadly on a nostalgia cushion, I
can worship at the shrine of ShowInABox and all the fine humans who
have made it happen.

Open Source, its one of the saner ideas humans have had in our
lifetimes, and I sing glorious praise to those who have melded it with
videoblogging for the betterment of all who may want it.

Wow that site is such a great demonstration of the power of a really
strong design to add the final polish to a cool set of features. ++9
on the niceometer.


Steve Elbows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Bill Cammack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Great Design! :D
> Nice work, Cheryl, on the two sidebars!
> --
> billcammack
> http://realfans.tv
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "ryanne hodson"
> <ryanne.hodson@> wrote:
> >
> > hey all
> > 
> > we're proud to announce our site re-design, not only because it
> looks darn
> > cool
> > it also has a lot of cool functionality that the crew at
> > http://ShowInABox.tv have been building.
> > 
> > http://ryanishungry.com
> > 
> > these are our new, fancy SIAB features:
> > 
> > 
> >    - Sidebars! Yes we finally have sidebars! Two of them!
> >    - Related and Recent Videos Plug-In, part of the Video Press Suite
> >    (soon to be public).
> >    - An Ogg Theora <http://www.theora.org/theorafaq.html#10> Video
> option
> >    and RSS feed <http://feeds.feedburner.com/ryanishungry/ogg> for all
> >    you FOSS <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOSS> fans
> >    - A blog category <http://ryanishungry.com/category/blog/> so
we can
> >    keep you updated on cool stuff in good old fashioned TEXT (and
> sometimes
> >    revlogged video)!
> >    - Share code so you can re-blog easily!
> >    - Fancy new Hire Us <http://ryanishungry.com/hire-us/> page with
> video
> >    pop ups of videos we got paid money forÂ…and some that we did
for fun!
> >    - New Design by Cheryl <http://hummingcrow.com/>!
> > 
> > check it out!
> > go subscribe!
> > http://ryanishungry.com/subscribe/
> > 
> > if you want to be a part of building Show In A Box
> > joins the email list here:
> > 
> > http://groups.google.com/group/show-in-a-box
> > 
> > cheers!
> > -ryanne and jay
> > 
> > -- 
> > Me ----> http://RyanEdit.com
> > Twitter------>http://twitter.com/Ryanne
> > Documenting Green ---->http://RyanIsHungry.com
> > Educate ----> http://FreeVlog.org
> > iChat/AIM ----> VideoRodeo
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

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