We knew about this already from our testing phase. It is caused by the new
"offer embed code" feature of vPIP - specifically by whatever CSS styles
come with it by default. Without adding the "share" embed code, the page
displays fine in IE6. With it, the layout is broken in IE6. I believe it
looked fine in IE7 with WindowsXP running in Parallels on my Mac. I don't
have access to Vista so that's an unknown.

The vPIP release that includes "offer embed code" came out right before we
were set to relaunch and there was a last minute scramble to add it because
we wanted that embed code. Before going live, Ryanne and I talked about what
to do - whether to go live with the design flaw, or leave the "offer embed
code" feature off the site until more testing could be done, and her
decision was to include the "offer embed code" feature despite the problem
with IE6. We're continuing to pursue a solution.

I initially found that turning vPIP's "offer embed code" styling off looked
a lot worse than leaving it on. It became an unstyled table that pushed well
outside the main content column into the sidebar area (overlapping the
content there). I was unable to restyle it with my own CSS. But that's
because we were under deadline to get the new site in place. Now that's
done, there will be time to poke the CSS until it's beaten into submission.
And good thing about that is I'll be able to document how to style it once
we figure it out!

Great feedback, Bill. Site stats say there are still a significant number of
visitors coming in on IE6, so we do need to address this as soon as

I should chronicle the whole redesign process. We ran into Safari weirdness,
too. When I finally got it working in all my test browsers I felt like a
freaking hero. Then it broke when we updated vPIP - and I just about cried.

Cheryl Colan
I vlog: hummingcrow.com
I make: whatwefound.blogspot.com
I teach: node101phoenix.org

On 9/4/07, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/4/07, Bill Streeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Just a slight bug report on this. I just looked at it in IE for
> >  Windows and the side bars are stacked on top of each other instead
> >  of side by side and some of their content is underneath the posts at
> >  the bottom of the page. I know IE is a pain in the ass when it comes
> >  to CSS as I am having my own problems with it on my site. I wish I
> >  could just ignore IE but unfortunately they're still a major player
> >  in the browser arena.
> thanks for the catch.
> what version of IE?
> Mac/PC?
> you can email me offline.
> jay
> --
> http://jaydedman.com
> 917 371 6790
> **check out the new look: ryanishungry.com**

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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