Heh its quite funny that someone went to the trouble of removing the
woman with the hat. But the mirror of the bloke they've used has a
foot missing!

Old ways f imagining how to achieve these things, long before they
were actually practical, look like a lot of fun. I like the
alternative fantasy worlds that blend old and new together. Will the
computer outlive the car and the plane? Id really like to live to see
the day where the sane leisurely pace of yesteryear meets some of the
better technologies of tomorrow. 

What better use for a video ipod, or surfng the net in general than
when taking the slow boat or airship across the world instead of the
fast and destructive plane? Or for watching video whilst you take the
bus or train to work, long after the age of the individual, and
individual transport, starts to wane.


Steve Elbows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "johnleeke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Early adopters agree, the amazing TeleOptiKon technology is the
> greatest invention since sliced bread:
> http://historichomeworks.com/hhw/conf/vidconf.htm
> John (lives life in the past lane) Leeke

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