Hi everyone:

On 10/17/07, Josh Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pat,
>  Would I have been covered under the law? Possibly, due to the fact
>  that I sold stringer footage of the protest that night, but even that
>  is unclear due to the addition of the word "substantial" to the text
>  of the law.

Well if you were to go out and cover a similar protest/riot tomorrow,
I'd be willing to bet you'd be covered now that you work at CNET. :D

>  I've discussed this briefly with one of my attorney's and he's a
>  little more optimistic than I am, but yeah, we're basically all on
>  the same page here. This of course, doesn't mean that you're not
>  protected under the free speech provision of the first amendment, but
>  it does mean that if the government comes after your unpublished
>  materials or wants to know what you discussed with your subject off-
>  camera under the promise of confidentiality then you've got almost
>  nothing in federal court. If this shield bill goes through and
>  becomes law then those who make their living off journalism *will* be
>  afforded a slightly greater level of protections but the law is far
>  from perfect in terms of how it will protect them too.
>  Basically watching this law progress has left me feeling even more
>  hopeless about our government and politics -- it doesn't help that my
>  race for mayor has been a similar voyage. But the important thing is
>  that I don't give up, and I'm never going to give up...

Good.  Don't give up.  It's quite obvious the right-wing controlled
government has been brainwashed by the very media it manipulates that
UNLESS you are political blogger FOR A LIVING, you're essentially a
nobody. :(

That means people like me would, as you indicated above, likely be
covered only by virtue of the First Ammendment of The Consititution.
This is almost EXACTLY why I said that the law in its current form is

But either way, I wouldn't expect President Bush to sign it into law
(In fact, I'd be FLOORED if he did), so we probably shouldn't fret
about it too much.

Just my $.02 worth & my opinion :D

Cheers :D

Pat Cook
Denver, Colorado
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